Online-Learning Reshapes Higher Education
Higher education has been traditionally understood to take place in a large historical building, with vast libraries, dormitories and a tight schedule. Having arrived in 2019, online-learning has now become a staple part of education. For long, large institutions have treated online courses as a niche tool or have ignored this option all together. In the past few years this perception has changed however. UNICAF has long since pioneered in this field, bringing quality higher education to gifted students around the globe. What exactly is online-learning? With online-learning, or online education, you can have several advantages. Three of the main differences are that you can study whenever it suits your schedule, from anywhere and for a fraction of the costs of an on-campus degree programme. You receive all the study material you need online and interact through the online platform with your tutors. Who can benefit from online-learning? Whether you are a school l...