Unicaf Enters the Executive Training Market
UNICAF has branched out into Executive Training sector with great success. The first executive training seminar, focusing on Effective Project Management, was held on March 23rd, 24th and 30th 2019 at the Vantage hub, in Ikeja, Lagos. 45 corporate executives attended the Seminar, led by Certified Project Management professional Adekunle Philips Adeniyi.
Welcoming the guests on the first day of the Seminar, UNICAF Nigeria marketing Manager Emmanuel Ebanehita introduced the UNICAF Scholarship programme, which provides opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate studies toward internationally recognised degrees, at a fraction of the cost. Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programmes of reputable partner universities in the UK, USA, Europe and Africa are offered online through the UNICAF VLE, the largest digital platform in Africa. UNICAF has helped to change more than 20,000 lives in 156 countries, by granting scholarships worth over $90 million in total. The UNICAF provides online access to everything a student needs, from enrolment to graduation. Professionals can study through UNICAF at their own pace and in their own free time, without interrupting their career or losing their salary.
Participants to the Seminar were officials and executives of various corporations in Nigeria, who expressed their satisfaction for the high level of instruction and knowledge shared, as well as their appreciation for the opportunity to meet and network with other professionals, exchanging experiences and ideas. Participants who are planning to take the Project Management Institute examination were grateful for the knowledgeable guidance and helpful tips provided during the sessions.
UNICAF Nigeria is already planning a number of executive seminars of top quality, with highly qualified trainers. For more information contact the UNICAF Nigeria offices at info@unicaf.org
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